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sabato 28 aprile 2012 Rilasciato DEFT Linux 7.1
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Rilasciato DEFT Linux 7.1
Apr 28th 2012, 08:00

DEFT è una distribuzione live di software libero, creata da Stefano Fratepietro per usi legati alla Computer Forensics (informatica forense in Italia) e alla sicurezza informatica. {Wikipedia}

Lo scorso 2 Aprile 2012 DEFT è stato aggiornato raggiungendo la versione 7.1 la quale percepisce le seguenti migliorie:

Bug Fix:
Hb4most and xterm's problem fixed

Updated packages:
guymager 0.6.5-1
iPhone Backup Analyzer 10/2012
Xplico 1.0

Computer Forensics side new tools:

New implementations
After the great work done by Emanuele Gentili and Sandro Rossetti, we are delighted to introduce you the Cyber ​​Intelligence side implementations and we'd like to remember you today there is no other freely distributed system that allows you to perform Intelligence tasks:

- "OSINT Chrome browser": we customized Chrome with several plugins and resources to perform 'Open Source Intelligence' related activities,

Network Information Gathering
- Host
- Nslookup
- Dig
- Nmap
- Zenmap
- Netcat
- Snmpcheck
- Nbtscan
- Cadaver
- Traceroute
- Hping3
- Xprobe
- Scapy
- Netdiscover

Wireless Information Gathering
- Kismet

Web Application Information Gathering
- Whatweb
- Cmsident
- Dirbuster
- Burpsuite
- Customized Chrome Browser (at least 1gb ram required)

Social Information Gathering
- Creepy
- Snmpcheck
- PieSpy
- Irssi

Identity Protection Tools
- TOR-Browser
- Anonymouse (

OSINT Global Framework
- Maltego
- Proactive Resources

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