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mercoledì 2 maggio 2012 Tails – La distribuzione Linux dedicata alla Privacy si aggiorna
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Tails – La distribuzione Linux dedicata alla Privacy si aggiorna
May 2nd 2012, 08:00

Tails e' una distribuzione Debian live in cui tutto in traffico di rete viene rediretto attraverso Tor, e che contiene i principali applicativi per la privacy in Rete già correttamente installati. È distribuita come immagine iso ibrida, che puo' essere avviata in modalità Live USB o Live CD attraverso la ISO distribuita gratuitamente dagli sviluppatori.

Tails permette di utilizzare Internet in forma anonima quasi ovunque si vada e su qualsiasi computer poichè tutte le connessioni generate saranno inoltrare alla rete Tor, essendo una distribuzione Live potrai eliminare tutte le tracce dal PC in uso ed inoltre contiene i principali tools per crittografare le tue eMail, messaggi istantanei o file.

E’ stata rilasciata recentemente la versione 0.11 con notevoli cambiamenti, trovate il Change Log dopo il salto, per chi fosse interessato all’applicazione può trovare maggiori dettagli e i link per il download sul sito ufficiale.

Change Log

tails (0.11) unstable; urgency=low      * Major new features    - Do not grant the desktop user root credentials by default.    - A graphical boot menu (tails-greeter 0.6.3) allows choosing among      many languages, and setting an optional sudoer password.    - Support opt-in targeted persistence      · tails-persistence-setup 0.14-1      · live-boot 3.0~a25-1+tails1~5.gbp48d06c      · live-config 3.0~a35-1    - USB installer: liveusb-creator 3.11.6-1      * iceweasel    - Install iceweasel 10.0.4esr-1 (Extended Support Release).      Let's stop tracking a too fast moving target.      Debian Wheezy will ship ESR versions.    - Install needed dependencies from squeeze-backports.    - Search plugins:      · Remove bing.        bing appeared due to our upgrading iceweasel.        Removing it makes things consistent with the way they have been        until now, that is: let's keep only the general search engines        we've been asked to add, plus Google, and a few specialized ones.      · Replace Debian-provided DuckDuckGo search plugin with the "HTML SSL"        one, version 20110219. This is the non-JavaScript, SSL, POST flavour.      · Add      · Install localized search engines in the correct place.        No need to copy them around at boot time anymore.      · Remove Scroogle. RIP.    - Enable TLS false start, like the TBB does since December.    - Adblock Plus: don't count and save filter hits, supress first run dialog.    - Install neither the GreaseMonkey add-on, nor any GreaseMonkey script.      YouTube's HTML5 opt-in program is over.      HTML5 video support is now autodetected and used.      * Vidalia    - Upgrade to 0.2.17-1+tails1: drop Do-not-warn-about-Tor-version.patch,      applied upstream.    - Set SkipVersionCheck=true.      Thanks to chiiph for implementing this upstream (needs Vidalia 0.2.16+).      * Internationalization    - Install all available iceweasel l10n packages.    - Remove syslinux language choosing menu.      tails-greeter allows choosing a non-English language.    - Add fonts for Hebrew, Thai, Khmer, Lao and Korean languages.    - Add bidi support.    - Setup text console at profile time.      Context: Tails runs with text console autologin on.      These consoles now wait, using a "Press enter to activate this console"      message, for the user. When they press enter in there, they should have chosen      their preferred keyboard layout in tails-greeter by now. Then, we run setupcon.      As a result, the resulting shell is properly localized, and setupcon      sets the correct keyboard layout, both according to the preferences expressed by      the user in tails-greeter.    - Don't use localepurge, don't remove any Scribus translations anymore,      don't localize environment at live-config time:      tails-greeter allows us to support many, many more languages.      * Hardware support    - Linux 3.2.15-1 (linux-image-3.2.0-2-amd64).    - Fix low sound level on MacBook5,2.    - Disable laptop-mode-tools automatic modules. This modules set often      needs some amount of hardware-specific tweaking to work properly.      This makes them rather not well suited for a Live system.      * Software    - Install GNOME keyring.      This is needed so that NetworkManager remembers the WEP/WPA secrets      for the time of a Tails session. Initialize GNOME keyring at user      creation time.    - Install usbutils to have the lsusb command.    - Install the Traverso multitrack audio recorder and editor.      * Miscellaneous    - GNOME Terminal: keep 8192 scrollback lines instead of the smallish      default.    - Replaced tails-wifi initscript with laptop-mode-tools matching feature.    - Disable gdomap service.    - Fetch klibc-utils and libklibc from sid.      The last initramfs-tools depends on these.    - Set root password to "root" if debug=root is passed on the      kernel cmdline. Allow setting root password on kernel cmdline via      rootpw=. Looks like we implemented this feature twice.    - Append a space on the kernel command line. This eases manually adding      more options.    - Rename sudoers.d snippets to match naming scheme.      Sudo credentials that shall be unconditionally granted to the Tails      default user are named zzz_*, to make sure they are applied.    - WhisperBack: also include /var/log/live-persist and      /var/lib/gdm3/tails.persistence.    - Add a wrapper to torify whois.    - Rework the VirtualBox guest modules building hook to support      multiple kernels.    - Consistently wait for nm-applet when waiting for user session to come up.      Waiting for gnome-panel or notification-daemon worked worse.    - Don't start the NetworkManager system service via init.      Some Tails NM hooks need the user to be logged in to run properly.      That's why tails-greeter starts NetworkManager at PostLogin time.    - Also lock /bin/echo into memory. For some reason, kexec-load needs it.    - Pidgin: don't use the OFTC hidden service anymore.      It proved to be quite unreliable, being sometimes down for days.    - Do not display storage volumes on Desktop, by disabling      /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible GConf entry. Enabling that      GConf setting avoids displaying the bind-mounted persistent      directories on the Desktop, and reduces user confusion. It also is      a first step towards a bigger UI change: GNOME3 does not manage the      Desktop anymore, so volume icons and other Desktop icons are meant to      disappear anyway. It implies we'll have to move all Desktop icons      elsewhere. Let's start this move now: this will smooth the UI change      Wheezy will carry for our users, by applying some of it progressively.      * Build system    - Don't build hybrid ISO images anymore. They boot less reliably on      a variety of hardware, and are made less useful by us shipping      a USB installer from now on.    - Append .conf to live-config configuration filenames:      live-config >3.0~a36-1 only takes into account files named *.conf      in there. Accordingly update scripts that source these files.    - Remove long-obsolete home-refresh script and its configuration.      * Virtualization support    - Support Spice and QXL: install the Spice agent from Debian sid,      install xserver-xorg-video-qxl from squeeze-backports.     -- Tails developers <>  Tue, 17 Apr 2012 14:54:00 +0200

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